



The wide-ranging scientific study of living organisms, from single cells to complex ecosystems.






利记sbo的自然科学系, you’ll have the opportunity to tackle real-world problems in multimillion-dollar, 先进的实验室.

Your challenging courses will provide you a rich background in cutting-edge science topics focused on solving society’s greatest challenges. 有广泛的课程选择, you have the flexibility to tailor your course of study to fit your interests and career plans.

丰富的实践学习经验, 包括大量的研究和实习机会, can prepare you to compete with the best to succeed in the career of your dreams.




环境化学家解决复杂的问题, 包括防止污染, 危险废物管理, 化学品健康与安全, 环境分析, and the synthesis of biodegradable materials all within the context of chemical systems.



纳米技术 Engineers study and manipulate individual atoms and molecules, 以最小的尺度学习. 纳米技术正在革新几乎每一个科学领域, 包括生物学, 物理, 医学, 材料, 和工程.


不像大型研究型大学, 利记sbo is first and foremost an institution dedicated to teaching. The education and mentoring of students is the principal function of all Lawrence Tech faculty. The faculty of the 部门 of 自然科学 is fully committed to this purpose.

As an undergraduate student in 自然科学 at Lawrence Tech, you will:

  • Receive individual attention from all the faculty in your discipline.
  • Each will know you by face and by name, long before you graduate.
  • You will never be taught by a graduate student teaching assistant—even in your earliest laboratory courses.
  • A member of the teaching faculty will always be the principal supervisor in the laboratory, 有时由劳伦斯理工学院的高级本科生协助.
  • Adjunct faculty will teach in the advanced courses only when they bring a special expertise to the program.
  • You will always be advised by the chair of the department or by a director or coordinator of your program.

You will always be advised by the chair of the department or by a director or coordinator of your program.

The university is committed to providing the department and its students with the advanced instrumentation that they are likely to use in their future careers. All the instrumentation is available for undergraduate use and is often introduced at Lawrence Tech far earlier than at other institutions.

Multiple tracks of study are available in both chemistry and physics to enable students to tailor their programs to specific career goals such as biophysics or material sciences. Details of these programs can be found under the descriptions of the individual programs.

自然科学 students are encouraged to pursue co-op and internship opportunities in industry while earning college credit. In several programs an independent senior project is required for graduation. These projects can be carried out by a student individually or as a member of an interdisciplinary team, both of which are expected of technical workers in an industrial setting.


The 部门 of 自然科学 is housed on the second and third floors of the Science Building at Lawrence Tech. This is a modern facility designed with the needs of the sciences at the forefront. 物理 laboratories are on the second floor and chemistry laboratories are on the third floor. 教职工通常在教学实验室附近设有办公室. 一些联合仪器实验室空间在三楼.


The department is fully equipped with all the instrumentation needed for thorough training in all our major programs. 主要设备的部分清单包括:

  • x射线衍射仪
  • 扫描电子显微镜
  • 各种激光器、衍射仪及检测装置
  • 数字化、计算机兼容示波器
  • 几个可见紫外光谱仪
  • 几个红外光谱仪, including Fourier transform devices Multiple gas chromatographs, 有的带有自动采样和质谱仪检测
  • 高压液相色谱设备
  • 傅里叶变换核磁共振光谱仪

The department policy is to introduce advanced instrumentation at the earliest opportunity in a student’s education.


Lawrence Tech’s undergraduate 自然科学 programs are intended to produce scientists who:

  • 对所在领域的基本概念有很好的掌握.
  • Have the experience and training to apply those concepts in industry.
  • 有能力根据需要自学新技能吗.
  • Possess the problem-solving and critical judgment skills required of competent citizens in an increasingly technological society.
  • 能在工业中承担生产任务吗.
  • Are prepared to undertake graduate study in their field or in related disciplines.
  • Are well prepared for admission and success in medicine, dentistry or related fields.
  • 是否为商科或法律专业的研究生工作做好了充分的准备.
  • Understand and adhere to the ethical standards of their discipline and of society as a whole.





Dr. 香农Timmons joined the 利记sbo faculty in the fall of 2008 and teaches organic chemistry and biochemistry courses in the 部门 of 自然科学. Dr. Timmons has a keen interest in the chemistry of biologically active organic molecules. 在利记sbo的研究实验室里, her undergraduate student researchers have recently synthesized aspirin analogs for anticancer and antibacterial testing, bisphenol A analogs for toxicity and hyperactivity testing in zebrafish, and cationic contrast agents for micro-CT imaging applications related to the study of degenerative disc disease.


利记sbo students can participate in a wide range of exciting activities that elevate the learning experience.